Textbooks useful for Std-1 to 10

Textbooks for Std-1 to 10:- 

Textbooks for Std-1 to 10


  • What are Textbooks? Hence the textbooks are very useful for students to learn. Another is that Standard 1 to 12 books are available in hard copy and also in pdf.
  • Textbooks contain some Chapters. Although all the chapters are useful for students as well as teachers.
  • Generally, the Maths book contains theorem, formulas, constructions. Similarly SS textbook contains knowledge about our martyrs, Dynasties,  History, Civics, Geography.
  • Gujarati textbook contains Different pictures of poets and poetesses and about their life. For the reason that the mother tough.
  • In the Gujarati book, the Hindi textbook also contains Stories, poems so students can learn with joy.
  • Hence Sanskrit books give knowledge about our Religion.
  • Science textbooks are very important and it gives knowledge about the universe and other scientific data.
  • Even more, the science book contains three major parts. Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
  • For the reason that In AD 1969 on 21st October Gujarat state Textbook Mandal was establish ed.
  • So Since the 38-year manuals main target. High-quality books and Gujarat students are easily available at reasonable prices.
  • Through Mandal books, Std-1 to 10 Gujarati Medium books are published. Thereafter in Hindi, English, Marathi, Sindhi, Urdu, Sanskrit, and Tamil Language also textbooks are published.
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  • Here all books available in pdf format.
  • You can also find it on the GCERT website for more detail.

For Gujarati Medium:- 




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