Sarkari Shala

Sarkari Shala is a word that connects us with each other.So welcome friends to online Sarkari Shala

A child without education is like a bird without wings.

A man without education is like a building without foundation.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.

A room without books is like a body without a soul.

Allow yourself to be a beginner; no one starts off being excellent.

Formerly Schooledupoint

An image pops up in front of the eyes as you hear the word “Sarkari Shala” – an old building, a large earthen floor, and a few dilapidated bunks, a few broken window doors, a squatting classroom, novice teachers, and students in a ravishing house. Children .. So the gestures of the mouth change when you hear this name? And whenever the subject is discussed, we do not live without blaming its teachers and the government, but have ever wondered why these schools are in such a state?We are also the cause of our society somewhere for this situation.

On a four-way traffic signal, and the sight falls on a tree planted in the middle of the divider, with a circular cage around it, the tree will disappear but when it remains inside the cage, today’s children will remember the condition of childbirth in which it develops. And right inside the cage the school decides. The baby is a soft plant, let it bloom a little like that, let the kids get acquainted with the baby, let them live a bit of their own life.

Whenever there is a change in the society or in the country, we are partners somewhere for both good and the opposite effects, to bring about change in the government or society and to embrace that change. Not only the government but we are equally responsible for this change in education.

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