SSC Blueprint 2021


Board of Secondary Education, Gujarat is announced latest blueprint 2021 for the state class 10th Unit Tests, Quarterly, Half yearly, Pre-final and annual final examination tests for all subjects of 1st and 2nd Semester Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Sanskrit, Computer Studies.

Right now the GSEB have published Class 10th /SSC Blueprint 2021 for theory, Objective and multiple choice questions for SA, FA, exam Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Skills subject at their official website, and we have also shared Gujarat Board STD-10 Blueprint 2021 Pdf from the following direct link.

Question Paper Designed with Theory, Objective and MCQ questions for Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Skills

All Subject Examination test is conducted for 100 Marks under ( Part-A 50 Marks, Part-B 50 Marks (Section-A, B, C, D))

SSC Blueprint 2021:-

HSC Blueprint 2021:-




Due to situation of corona government has decided to reduce course of board exam.It is likely to be conducted with 70% of total course. Government has officially declared new paper style and model papers here you can download model papers and Blueprint of each subjects and can prepare accordingly. Here model papers also been released so student can practice according to that papers. Education minister Bhundrasinh Chudasma has already declared that this year there will be no mass promotion or no zero year count. So all exam will be conducted for sure.It is likely to be conducted in the month of May and new academic year may start in July or in August.

This year situation of corona have affected a lot to education. It is about 10 month schools are closed and yet there is no situation to reopen schools. So students have studied onlinwe this year and it is obvious that whole course can not be covered online. So government have decided to reduce course this year for board students.





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