Svadhyay Pothi useful for Std 7 2022-23
Svadhyay Pothi Std 7 In new courses in primary education in the state and After the implementation of the syllabus, the students do self-study A new approach to becoming as…
Svadhyay Pothi useful for Std 6 2022-23
Svadhyay Pothi Std 6 In new courses in primary education in the state and After the implementation of the syllabus, the students do self-study A new approach to becoming as…
Svadhyay Pothi useful for Std 5 2022-23
Svadhyay Pothi Std 5 In new courses in primary education in the state and After the implementation of the syllabus, the students do self-study A new approach to becoming as…
Svadhyay Pothi useful for Std 4 2022-23
Svadhyay Pothi Std 4 In new courses in primary education in the state and After the implementation of the syllabus, the students do self-study A new approach to becoming as…
Svadhyay Pothi useful for Std 3 2022-23
Svadhyay Pothi Std 3 In new courses in primary education in the state and After the implementation of the syllabus, the students do self-study A new approach to becoming as…
Unit Test Time Table Useful For Std 3 to 8
Unit Test Time Table The main purpose of the Unit test is to assess the learning progress of students. Assessment done at regular intervals provides feedback and insight to teachers…
GUJARAT GYAN GURU QUIZ This is one of the great initiatives from The Government of Gujarat for the students of Gujarat and also for the people of Gujarat. GUJARAT GYAN…